Tag: Saint Lazarus

Hospitaller Order to Sponsor Gillian Sorensen Presentation
The Grand Priory of the United States of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem announced today that, in conjunction with the United Nations Association of the United States of America and the Business Council for the United Nations, they are sponsoring the upcoming seminar, The State of Women Internationally: Where are we and […]

Houston Educational and Medical Meetings and Presentations by SMOKH
A successful number of educational and medical meetings and presentations were organized and well attended by the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope in February 2013, in Houston prior to another successful investiture there. These series of events were kick-started by means of a very productive Sovereign Council meeting which was headed by […]

Boys and Girls Club of Cathedral City CA
When the Cathedral City Boys and Girls Club needed new basketball uniforms, the Order of Saint Lazarus made the donation for all their uniforms- see the patches of OSL

North Carolina Commandery assists Dove House
Rev. Dr. Sherra C. Stephens-Jarrells, Commander of the North Carolina Commandery of The Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem met with Director Ken Wooten of Dove House, Children’s Advocacy Center located in Statesville, NC. Their daily mission is to provide coordinated and compassionate services to child victims of sexual assault and their non-offending family […]

US Grand Priory donating food to the needy
The Grand Priory of the US, mindful of its social obligations to those within society who need assistance and brotherly Hospitaller care, have embarked on regular monthly collections of food which will then be distributed to needy families in their respective regions. This operation, albeit not a much-trumpeted one, further underlines the social commitment of […]