Tag: Hospitaller Order

US Grand Priory donating food to the needy
The Grand Priory of the US, mindful of its social obligations to those within society who need assistance and brotherly Hospitaller care, have embarked on regular monthly collections of food which will then be distributed to needy families in their respective regions. This operation, albeit not a much-trumpeted one, further underlines the social commitment of […]

California Commandery Donates to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles
The California Commandery of the Grand Priory of the United States, in the presence of his Honour, Judge Benjamin Zvenia, OMLJ KMLJ, the Chancellor of the Grand Priory, donating a cheque of $800 to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles, California to assist in their work with the homeless. This donation is in line with […]

Grand Priory of the United States of America: Help Vlada Campaign
Even before the official consecration of the Grand Priory of the United States, the officers and members of this new jurisdiction within the Order opted to organize a number of fund raising events in order to start the Hospitaller work of this Grand Priory in the best fashion possible. Coordinated by the Secretary General-elect of […]