Tag: Dame Karen Cantrell

ECOSOC Meetings at the United Nations
HOSLJ Officer Rev. Sherra Jarrells Brigman with Dame Karen Cantrell attending ECOSOC meetings at the United Nations.

Dame Karen Cantrell and Chevalier Peter Eckert
Dame Karen Cantrell and Chevalier Peter Eckert visiting HOSLJ member Cavaliere Sardo in Palermo Italy before departing to Malta.

Donated by Dame Karen Cantrell for Auction
Lapis lazuli is a gemstone of the kind that might have come straight out of the Arabian Nights: a deep blue with golden inclusions of pyrites which shimmer like little stars. The opaque Lapus Lasuli stone is a deep blue gemstone and has a grand past. It was among the first gemstones to be worn […]

Charity Golf Tournament
Monday June 1, 2015 Dame Karen Cantrell will represent HOSLJ at The Family Services of the Desert/ Food Now … Charity Golf Tournament. The California Commandery has donated over $300.00 in goods and services for this event. www.thefamilyservicesofthedesert.org

US Grand Priory aiding and assisting during Hurricane Sandy
In response to Hurricane Sandy, the United States Grand Priory volunteers were in full force, gathering essential emergency items for various affected areas including Newark, Long Branch, and Union Beach, New Jersey. The vast majority of homes in these areas are without power or heat and others have lost their homes entirely. With the help […]

Commandery of California Donates 2 Scholarships Worth $5000
On Sunday May 20th, a delegation from the Commandery of California of the US Grand Priory of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem attended an event organized by Fashion Group International. The delegation was led by the Secretary General of the US Grand Priory, Dame Karen Cantrell and also included Confrere Joseph Luna. […]

California Commandery Donates to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles
The California Commandery of the Grand Priory of the United States, in the presence of his Honour, Judge Benjamin Zvenia, OMLJ KMLJ, the Chancellor of the Grand Priory, donating a cheque of $800 to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles, California to assist in their work with the homeless. This donation is in line with […]

Grand Priory of the United States of America: Help Vlada Campaign
Even before the official consecration of the Grand Priory of the United States, the officers and members of this new jurisdiction within the Order opted to organize a number of fund raising events in order to start the Hospitaller work of this Grand Priory in the best fashion possible. Coordinated by the Secretary General-elect of […]