
The Reverend Monsignor Joseph Vella Gauci ECLJ CMLJ
The Grand Hospitaller of the Order, H.E. The Reverend Monsignor Joseph Vella Gauci ECLJ CMLJ. Apart from his prestigious position within the Catholic Commission of the Bishop’s Conferences of the European Community, the Grand Hospitaller’s academic background related to ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue proved to be essential in furthering the spiritual growth of the Order […]

Thank You Grand Chancellor, Max J Ellul
Our thanks must go to our Grand Chancellor, Max J Ellul for his overseeing of our foreign affairs, to the Grand Priory of the United States – since His Imperial Highness is based in Washington DC, and to the Secretary General of the US Grand Priory, Dame Cantrell, for her ongoing coordination in this great […]

Holy Communion at the Investiture Service in Malta
Holy Communion at the Investiture Service in Malta – Dame Karen Cantrell and Chevalier Peter Eckert representing the USA Grand Priory.

Commander of Virginia
Lt Col Rene Locklear White and Commander of Virginia Chris Comes With Clouds White+

Last Year’s Check Presentation!
Chief Patrick Reitz was very appreciative as well as the volunteer Fire Fighters and the volunteer brush fire members. This money will assist with the purchase of helmets, boots, and Fire jackets for one new Volunteer Firefighters coming on board at Idlywild Fire Department. We need to raise $2000 this year – $500.00 is pledged […]

A Check for $800.00 to Assist the Homeless
The Grand Priory of the United States of America- California Commandery of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem presenting The Catholic Charities of Los Angles California a check for $800.00 to assist the homeless.

Humanity Healing International – Knight Christopher Buck
Humanity Healing International – Knight Christopher Buck and HOSLJ Board Member St. Lazarus relief Fund – Our first project with Humanity Healing International was the building of a vocational training center for children at the Tagotatoo refugee camp outside of Gulu, Uganda. I truly have never been anywhere so in need of compassion. The desperation […]

Announcements: European Disability Card
European Disability Card marks step towards barrier-free Europe (July 2015) The Order joins the European Development Forum in reminding EU Institutions that during this bickering people in Greece suffer (July 2015) The Saint Lazarus Foundation joins the European Development Forum and Urges EU MEMBER STATES TO NOT ADOPT A MEANINGLESS WEB ACCESSIBILITY DIRECTIVE (June 2015) […]

Donated by Dame Karen Cantrell for Auction
Lapis lazuli is a gemstone of the kind that might have come straight out of the Arabian Nights: a deep blue with golden inclusions of pyrites which shimmer like little stars. The opaque Lapus Lasuli stone is a deep blue gemstone and has a grand past. It was among the first gemstones to be worn […]

Commander of the Indigenous Priory
We are proud to announce that the Commander of the Indigenous Priory James Flaming Eagle Mooney along with his wife The Commander of Utah Linda Mooney will be attending the Investiture Service September 19th.There will be 13 other Indigenous members attending including the very talented member Gary Tom and he will be preforming Amazing Grace […]