
Announcement: HOLSJ Prestigious Awards
ANNOUNCEMENT! Upon review by our board of directors it has been voted and determined that the following individuals have earned the following HOLSJ prestigious awards: Joseph Gilbert Luna – California Commandery – Knight of The Year Charmaine Bassett – Commadery of Ohio – Commander of The Year Aleka Bassett – Commandery of Ohio – Officer […]

Hand Made Invitations
Look at me …350 hand made invitations and each one has to be touched 5 times before they are actually mailed out … I’m tired! Joseph is worn out too! We do it for all of you.

Outstanding Business Executive AWARD – Ike M. I. Khamisani
We are very proud of Ike Khamisani – Congratulations. He is one of our Companionate of Merits – Ike M. I. Khamisani, President, UNA _ USA Inland Empire of Southern California division of the UNITED NATIONS’ ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA received the Outstanding Business Executive AWARD for NON Profits from Los Angeles […]

ECOSOC Meetings at the United Nations
HOSLJ Officer Rev. Sherra Jarrells Brigman with Dame Karen Cantrell attending ECOSOC meetings at the United Nations.

HOSLJ Donates to the Guide Dogs
HOSLJ Donates to the Guide Dogs – we purchase collars, harnesses and leashes for the dogs that graduate from training and are given to the blind.

Dame Karen Cantrell and Chevalier Peter Eckert
Dame Karen Cantrell and Chevalier Peter Eckert visiting HOSLJ member Cavaliere Sardo in Palermo Italy before departing to Malta.

Aides de Camp to the Office of the Grand Chancellor
Due to the strenuous voluntary work related to the foreign affairs of the Order by means of the Office of the Grand Chancellor, the Supreme Grand Priory in 2010 decreed (decree 56/10) the appointment of a number of Aides de Camp to the Office of the Grand Chancellor. These officers of the Order are given […]

The Supreme Grand Priory is based in Edinburgh, Scotland
The Supreme Grand Priory is based in Edinburgh, Scotland and meetings of the Knights in Council are regularly held there. It is presided by its Supreme Grand Prior, H. E. Chevalier Richard Comyns of Ludston GCLJ GCMLJ. Its international operations are directed from the office of the Grand Chancellery, which is based in Malta, under […]

Chev. Massimo J. Ellul GCLJ GCMLJ
The Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Priories and Chairman of the Saint Lazarus Foundation, H.E. Chev. Massimo J. Ellul GCLJ GCMLJ. Under his watch, the Order enjoyed rapid growth and achieved significant Hospitaller achievements worldwide, which brought a number of national commendations to the Order from various governments and heads of state, including U.S. […]