Tag: Hospitaller

Houston Educational and Medical Meetings and Presentations by SMOKH
A successful number of educational and medical meetings and presentations were organized and well attended by the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope in February 2013, in Houston prior to another successful investiture there. These series of events were kick-started by means of a very productive Sovereign Council meeting which was headed by […]

US Grand Priory saves Christian Mother House From Eviction
An announcement was made in December 2012 by the Chief Financial Officer of the Byzantine Greek Church of Hungary (USA) which basically thanks and applauds the recent donation of the Grand Priory of the US of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus Of Jerusalem for the saving of the former’s mother house. The announcement states […]

North Carolina Commandery donates to The Community Pregnancy Center
Mindful of its commitment towards the community in the various states within the US in which the Grand Priory of the US of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus operates, the Officers of the Grand Priory acceded to a number of requests by the commanders of the various Commanderies of the Order operating in the […]

The World’s Oldest Order of Westsiders’ Knights Joins with the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem
By Dame Adrienne Papp It seems amazing that this day and age with our high-tech wizards and 3D special effects /virtual reality there is still an enduring organization with its chivalric principles dating back to antiquity. The fact that the oldest Order in the world, established by the son of Constantine the Great of the […]