Tag: Grand Priory

Houston Educational and Medical Meetings and Presentations by SMOKH
A successful number of educational and medical meetings and presentations were organized and well attended by the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope in February 2013, in Houston prior to another successful investiture there. These series of events were kick-started by means of a very productive Sovereign Council meeting which was headed by […]

Boys and Girls Club of Cathedral City CA
When the Cathedral City Boys and Girls Club needed new basketball uniforms, the Order of Saint Lazarus made the donation for all their uniforms- see the patches of OSL

North Carolina Commandery donates to The Community Pregnancy Center
Mindful of its commitment towards the community in the various states within the US in which the Grand Priory of the US of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus operates, the Officers of the Grand Priory acceded to a number of requests by the commanders of the various Commanderies of the Order operating in the […]

California Commandery Donates to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles
The California Commandery of the Grand Priory of the United States, in the presence of his Honour, Judge Benjamin Zvenia, OMLJ KMLJ, the Chancellor of the Grand Priory, donating a cheque of $800 to the Catholic Church of Los Angeles, California to assist in their work with the homeless. This donation is in line with […]

Grand Priory of the United States of America: Help Vlada Campaign
Even before the official consecration of the Grand Priory of the United States, the officers and members of this new jurisdiction within the Order opted to organize a number of fund raising events in order to start the Hospitaller work of this Grand Priory in the best fashion possible. Coordinated by the Secretary General-elect of […]